Sunday, May 07, 2006


Life is full of surprises

Friday, May 05, 2006



Sorry all.. lama dah inda updates.. Well I have so many things to say here.. Obviously I've been very busy.. So I kinda neglecting my blog..

Anyway dunno where to start.. So..

Been busy with badminton practice and tournament at school so its been like 2 weeks dah me inda go swimming with tayat. Yat, sorry babe.. Anyway.. all male teachers must participate.. even the female teachers except those who are pregnants or have medical excuses.. We've been practicing alot.. in the afternoonlah because we have jobs during the day.. me and kath always play partners.. we're good ehehhe but not that good..

There are 4 teams altogether.. Mixed with male and female.. apparently most of the teachers including me were not really satisfied with the grouping. There were no votes.. no discussion.. not even a briefing.. so the grouping was based on picked and put.. like picked one and put them in this group sort of thing.. me and kath are not in the same team.. but its ok.. this tournament is just for fun and we all did have so much fun playing.. I bought two new racquets, a pair of shoes, socks, racquets bag, and net.. just in case.. ehehhe semangat yoo.. couldnt believe how much I miss playing badminton.. loved this sport since I was in primary school..

I missed my girls.. moza.. tayat.. ant.. and the others.. havent seen them for quite awhile now.. probably busy with their own lives.. I bumped into Zarah a couple of times di the mall.. have a lil chitchat ehehe I just hope they're all healthy and happy always beside their loved ones..

I have collected all FRIENDS series from Season 1 till 10. Loved it. Now Im collecting CHARMED. I bought the Dvds from Season 1 till 7. I've never seen the first season. Now I knew. Siuk!!!! hehehe Later I want to collect CSI: Las Vegas and Miami, Supernatural, Joey!!!!!!

Im craved to watch Honey, Saved The Last Dance, Wish Upon A Star, errr ehehehe lupa dah.. Have lots to think about.

I read my sis blog and just found out that my dear friend Elizabeth is getting engaged!! Congratz honey!! Falin just had a babyboy.. Lisa is engaged.. wondered what is up with lil Zaza ehehehe and ofcourse my lil sis Neez!!! eheheh you are hoping and expecting and wanting more baby fruits kan eheheh nantitah insyallah.. alum ada rezeki.. and I also expecting, hoping and wanting other things from you ehehhe.. bila lagi? kweng kweng kweng..

Jealous eh my sis got new handphone. Im craved to buy a new and latest handphone.. Been waiting for Nokia N80 and now its here.. I want I want I want!!!!! but the price is expensive.. Im gonna wait for awhile lah sampai harganya turun nanti ehehhe I actually wanted to buy handphone like sis Neez.. but have to think twice.. banyak choices masa ani.. dunno mana satu kan dipilih..

Hehehe these are some of the very delayed birthday wishes for my dear hubby.. bro aiman, sis zaza and sis gbah..!!! Happy 28th birthday to my hubby. Happy 19th Birthday to Bro Aiman. Happy Birthday to Zaza. And Happy 22nd Birthday to Sis Gbah..

I've watched The Hills Have Eyes. Eeee sasak ku cerita atu. Although the people yang cacat atu memberi kesian but memberi gerigitan!!!! I did watched Hostel as well.. first of all I want to say *YUCK*!!!!!!! second of all "What the hell!!" and third of all "OMG!!!" that movie was the worst!!! Before you watch it.. Dont watch it!!!! ehehehhe Thats what my sis told me ehehehhe

Well anyway.. Im gonna go now.. Il blog again when I have the free time. Sis amy.. sorry sis sal lama dah me nda updates eheheh love you loads too!! kay take care peeps.. au revoir...